Supervision of electrical installation works

When ordering electrical installation works, property owners are recommended to engage supervision of electrical installation works during the acceptance of electrical installation works.

Owner supervision is regulated by the corresponding regulatory act.

The purpose of owner supervision is to ensure:

1) Construction compliance with the construction project;
2) Preparation of technical documentation for construction;
3) Proper quality of construction works.

The task of the supervising person is to verify:

1) Compliance of the construction project with requirements;
2) Use of appropriate construction products;
3) Maintenance and safety of the building and the land plot on which it is located, including adjacent territory;
4) Environmental safety assurance;
5) Compliance with imposed prohibitions;
6) Quality and timing of works, informing the building owner if the quality or timing of the works do not meet the agreed standards;
7) Compliance of construction with the construction project, requirements arising from legislative acts and the contract concluded between the building owner and the construction company.